Laura Rguez Castillo UI Front-end Developer


1994 - The day I saw the Internet...

This is the date on which I first saw the Netscape Navigator browser for the first time. I had just enrolled in college to study physics. I was amazed, and I knew that - sooner or later- that would be my job.

I studied Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). Simultaneously I started working in the world of database programming. When the opportunity arose to take a leap to web development I did not doubt it, since in it I found the perfect balance between technique and expression.

I have more than 17 years of experience in web-development and I'm specialist in User Interface Front-End development.
I have decided to make my portofolio in html-css basic in honor to the webs of the 90s ... but a little prettier ... i hope... haha!


Skills & CV

Linkedin: laurarodriguezcastillo

Technical Skills

  • Programming HTML5, CSS3. Following the semantic structure and W3C standards.
  • CSS development applying ITCSS architecture and BEM, OOCSS Methodologies in Design System Multi-styleguide.
  • CSS frameworks (Bootstrap4, Foundation6).
  • CSS pre-processors (SASS and LESS).
  • LTR (left to Right-occidental) and RTL (Right to Left-arabic mode)
  • Use of variables, mixins, arabic- mixins, nesting styles and blends.
  • "Eye designer"
  • Use Photosop and Zeplin tools.
  • Iconography - SVG, Web-font Icons.
  • Accessibility. ARIA.
  • Responsive design. Mobile first.
  • Vanilla Javascript. ES6 Functions. ES6 built-ins
  • Javascript Testing. Jasmine Framework
  • Offline first. Service Workers. Indexed DB and Caching
  • Javascript frameworks (AngularJS and Angular) -not expert level-
  • Javascript development architectures with Nodejs , Npm, Grunt, Gulp, Bower.
  • Version control (GIT) --> gitLab (SSHT keys)/ github .
  • OS: Ubuntu, Windows, iOS

Management skills

  • Front-end UI Development Tech Lead
  • Front-end UI Development Project Manager
  • Scrum Methodology. Product Owner
  • Sprint Planning. Task's planning, definition of done and Distribution with Atlassian (Jira, confluence) and Trello.